Real Talk with Nikki- Millennial Faith, Motherhood, Lifestyle Blog

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Where’s the humanity?

The immigration issue is one that sparks a lot of controversy, with some agreeing with the measures being taken to enforce the law and others disagreeing. As I’m watching the Netflix original limited series Stateless, which tells the story of some of the immigration issues in Australia, I’m starting to realize that humanity is lacking worldwide. I would love to know what caused humans to behave so selfishly, and to display such a lack of basic human decency? People are literally in an outrage because they are being told to where face masks and stay at home to contain, or slow a virus that has killed hundreds of thousands while there are children sleeping in cages on the border with inadequate food and water, there are people being slaughtered because of the way they look, slaughtered because of who they choose to love and who they want to be, and a slew of other injustices.

I know that I’m never going to understand why people do the things they do, or think the way do, but something seriously has to give. It feels like people would rather stay stuck in some archaic past than to move forward into a future where all people are treated with human decency.

It’s tiring.

Witnessing it, experiencing it, and living it is extremely tiring.

I would love to see more compassion, more love, and less hate.

Realistically, we aren’t going to like everyone but for the love of God, can we be decent? Can we treat others the way we want to be treated? Or has everyone forgotten what was taught in kindergarten.