Real Talk with Nikki- Millennial Faith, Motherhood, Lifestyle Blog

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Move at your own pace

I’m the driver on the road who is going to drive however fast I’m driving and that’s all. I may speed up, but only if I WANT TO. Today, as I was leaving an appointment and saw people zooming past me as I was going 60 MPH and the limit was 50, I had a thought.

I need to stop trying to move at the same pace as everyone else around me in life.

I am not in competition with anyone. I am not trying to prove anything to anyone but myself. And trying to speed race through this entrepreneurial process literally sets me behind. I’ve been hastily moving about since I started this blog, and while I’ve learned a lot and made a few strides; I’m nowhere near where I would’ve been had I been more calculated in my movements and more structured in my planning.

So here’s to slowing down, and taking my time. Because after all, it’s not my timeline anyway, it’s God's and he does all things in decency and order.