You’re Never Doing as Bad as You Think
I question myself A LOT. Am I a good mom? Am I a good wife? Am I growing? What could I be doing better?
It’s definitely true what “they” say, we are our biggest critic.
Today Josiah had a dentist appointment after one week and a half of complaining of a tooth ache. Sidebar his toothache complaints are the cutest and funniest thing you could ever see, he literally will walk up to his dad and I and go “my tooth hurt see? AHHHH” as he proceeds to open his mouth as wide as he possibly can. So, after figuring out how our military dental insurance information works, and asking some of the wives in the Facebook group for recommendations, I found a pediatric dentist and took him this morning.
Josiah did so well at the dentist. He didn’t shed one tear, and was compliant with everything that was asked of him. His teeth were a mirror of perfection, not one cavity or flaw in sight. And from that 30 minute appointment, I realized that I’m not half bad as a mom. Sometimes I wonder if I’m doing a good enough job taking care of Josiah both mentally and physically, and then something small and seemingly insignificant happens to show me that I am.
My child is both happy and healthy.
So, I guess I’m not doing as bad as I think.
I’ll be back tomorrow, to share another days thought.