Real Talk with Nikki- Millennial Faith, Motherhood, Lifestyle Blog

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Slow & Steady

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything on the blog, and for that I apologize. As I begin to rework this vision, I just wanted to drop off a quick thought.

How may times have you heard the phrase “Slow and steady wins the race”? I’ve heard it quite a few times, but seldom do I remind myself that the race was not given to the swift but to the one who endures until the end, i.e. “slow and steady wins the race”.

I’ve always been a pretty driven person. I have goals and aspirations that surpass my own ability, and when I set my mind to something, I tend to want it to happen yesterday, no matter how many times I tell myself to be patient or that things will happen in God’s timing.

He’s an on-time God. He may not come when you want him, but he’s always on-time.


Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about time. I think about the time I waste, I think about the time I lose scrolling through social media comparing myself to my peers in this industry, I think about the time lost when I don’t spend time with my son because I am too busy thinking about where I lack and where I could be doing better in every aspect of my life instead of simply doing it. I think about the time I waste trying to try to do something read that again.

How do you try to try to do something? You either try to do it, or you don’t.


I am trying my best to build the life I believe I was created to live, or at least I am trying to try; because if I am being honest I am not putting in nearly as much effort into building that life as I could or should. But, I am putting a lot of effort in to dreaming about that life, and trying to try to not lean on my own understanding and instead acknowledge God in all my ways. Stick with me here…

I’ve been trying to move at an accelerated pace since the inception of this blog and have barely gotten down the street to the stop sign. On one hand, I’ve grown and learned a lot, on the other hand, I have a long way to go. I’ve been trying to try to include you on the journey and have been failing, because I’ve been trying to move ahead of God’s timing.

So, we’re changing pace, appreciating this space , acknowledging the growth and grace that’s been given, and building this thing; this platform on the rock.

Slow & Steady. Peace & Grace.

I am excited to peel back the layers and slowly share this journey with you. See you in September.