Nor'Quera's Chapters- Living, Reading & Creating

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Always Eat After 7 p.m -Part One

This post is sponsored by “Always Eat After 7 PM”, however, all opinions expressed are my own.

If you’ve been a reader of the blog then you know that my health is something I’ve been trying to get together since having my son Josiah a little over two years ago and it really has been a challenge. The biggest difficulty is not knowing whether it’s me or other extenuating factors (that I’ll discuss at a later date) that are causing me to have such a hard time shedding the “baby weight” (honestly after two years post-partum is it even considered baby weight anymore?). I’ve tried a few different methods to lose weight over the last two years, of which only one worked but the results were not lasting and the process of getting those results seemed to be hard for no reason at all, I mean honestly, you shouldn’t have to cut carbs drastically to see the scale move. Which is why I was excited to have the opportunity to not only read Joel Marion’s ”Always Eat After 7 PM: The Revolutionary Rule-Breaking Diet That Lets You Enjoy Huge Dinners, Desserts, and Indulgent Snacks—While Burning Fat Overnight but to also see if he could actually debunk the myth of eating after 7 p.m. Bestselling author, Joel Marion, is a fitness expert and nutritionist debunking the myths underlying traditional dieting and offers a simple, highly effective weight loss program. 

Check out what he has to say below:

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I’ve heard time and time “don’t eat after 7 pm, that’s how you gain weight”, and have even obsessed over that to the point to where when I do eat after 7 pm, I just know I am going to wake up at least two pounds heavier. We’ve been traditionally taught to avoid carbs, have an early dinner, and never eat before bed. But the fact is, the latest scientific research shows us this earlier model is not the most ideal. Always Eat After 7 pm is a three-phase program “that teaches you how to lose big by strategically eating big when you are naturally hungriest—in the evening. This may sound too good to be true, but let me assure you it is no gimmick. It’s all about making strategic and smart food swaps, and you can still eat your favorite foods.”.

The mere fact that this diet allows you to still eat the things that make you happy (which for me happens to be street tacos at 12 a.m.) is exactly why I am interested in trying it. I am so tired of restrictive diets that I have to overthink because if I don’t I could actually end up gaining more weight.

Over the next four weeks, I’ll be reading Joel Marion’s “Always Eat After 7 PM” and sharing my experience with you.

Always Eat After 7 PM: The Revolutionary Rule-Breaking Diet That Lets You Enjoy Huge Dinners, Desserts, and Indulgent Snacks—While Burning Fat Overnight by Joel Marion is now available to purchase. For more information please click here.

This post is sponsored by “Always Eat After 7 PM”, however, all opinions expressed are my own.

As always, thank you for reading! I’ll you back here next week.

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