Real Talk with Nikki- Millennial Faith, Motherhood, Lifestyle Blog

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Restarting My Weight Loss Journey with Phentermine

A few months ago, I looked in the mirror and realized that I no longer recognized myself. Not because I’d gained an unimaginable amount of weight, even though one could say that is my reality, but because I no longer felt like myself. I have a history of self-esteem issues, and not feeling fully comfortable in my own skin, but last January I made the decision to start therapy, get with God, sort out my issues, and fall in love with myself.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve dieted and lost weight, but what I can tell you is that anytime that I’ve done it, it has been for the wrong reasons and results were obtained in an extremely unhealthy way.

I’m finally in a place where I am ready to not just start a weight loss journey but to make a lifestyle change. Now, don’t get me wrong; I love food. My husband and I love food. We are foodies at heart, and I don’t see that changing, however, I want to be more intentional about what I put in my body (during the week at least), and use food to fuel me.

After having my son 3 years ago, I wasted no time getting on birth control. I wanted to ensure that I gave my body a proper break after having a complicated birth and pregnancy before having another child. The problem is that the form of birth control that my doctor recommended was hormonal, and even though it’s said to not affect weight, it affected mine, tremendously.

My last attempt at losing weight while on that form of birth control was keto, and while it worked the concept of having to go to such great lengths to lose weight did not sit right with me. After about a year of debating with myself, I decided to have my PCP remove my hormonal birth control and replace it with a non-hormonal form so that I could gauge whether my inability to lose the weight was my fault or if it was really the birth control.

What does any of this have to do with Phentermine? I’m glad you asked.

I tried Phentermine last year, and barely saw any results- again, I think the birth control was the reason for the lack of results. Since I decided to change birth control methods I asked my doctor if we could give Phentermine another try to kind of kick start my weight loss process because at the end of the day immediate results motivate us.

So for the next two months, I’ll be taking Phentermine, working out, and cleaning up my diet so that I can get my body to where I want to be. My goal more than anything is to be healthy, and happy. I don’t have a number in mind, I just want to be healthy.

I’ll be updating the blog every two weeks about my progress so far with Phentermine. I’m excited and optimistic about what is to come.

As always, thank you for reading! I’ll see you in the next blog!

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