Real Talk with Nikki- Millennial Faith, Motherhood, Lifestyle Blog

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Happy New Year!

Exactly how long into the New Year do you decide to stop telling people “Happy New Year”? I’ve decided, this will be my last time saying it, and that the only reason it’s even appropriate to say it today is that this is the first blog post of the year. With all that said:

Happy New Year!

I wanted to use today’s post to briefly reintroduce myself and lay out my plan for the Real Talk w/ Nikki brand going forward.

If you’re new to the blog heyyy! I’m Nor’Quera a.k.a Nikki, and I am beyond excited that you are here! I love creating content and oversharing my life to hopefully help others. I fully believe that we were not meant to journey through life alone and if we can learn from the mistakes and lessons that others share then we can stop ourselves from wasting valuable time and work toward living more intentionally. This brings me to my first point:

Intentional living

This blog is pivoting to focus on intentional living. A few months ago, I redesigned the website because I wanted it to have a certain look and feel. Now, that I am happy with the way the blog looks and functions, I’ve realized that I want to focus on content that truly matters. I’ve always aimed to focus on this particular kind of content but my intent got clouded by seeing all the bloggers around me. In short, I fell into the comparison trap. So going forward you can expect blogs that help you live more intentionally. So whether that’s sharing life tips, recipes, honest product reviews so that you can make more informed decisions when making purchases, or day in the life updates my goal is to live more deliberately and help you do so as well.

active faith

Faith is something that requires us to be active daily, if I were to share my biggest faith lesson of 2020 it would be that lazy faith is not a thing that works. This is why I am shifting from just “faith” to active faith. I’ve been putting in a lot of behind the scenes work into building my relationship with God, and have grown tremendously since I initially started this blog. My biggest failure has been that I have not been actively sharing that growth process here. That’s changing this year.

millennial motherhood

I feel like this one speaks for itself. I am a millennial and I am a mother, therefore we are shifting to really start exploring this millennial motherhood journey because let me just tell you, I have been struggling lately. I have a full-blown, full personality toddler, and figuring out how to be the “best mother” has been way more difficult than I initially imagined.

Outside of the Blog

If you haven’t checked out the new connect page here on the blog, make sure you check it out to find other ways for us to connect!

I opted out of New Years Resolutions this year, and instead have decided to get a solid foundation laid for my business. One of the biggest lessons 2020 taught me was to be more prepared. Things change, and they can change quickly so my goal is to grow my business to a place where I am prepared for anything.

I’ve also done some significant work in therapy over the last year and am happy about what I’ve achieved so far. All of which has led me to relaunch my YouTube Channel this year. I’ve kicked off the year by challenging myself to produce 100 Videos in 100ish days, no matter how perfect or imperfect the videos might be. The goal is to get consistent and frequent in my content production so that I can grow this brand and serve more people.

You can find more info about the 100 Crappy YouTube Video Challenge Below:

I want to send the biggest thank you to you, my readers, and my e-family for trusting me over the last few years. I am excited to show up for you this year and to show up for myself and to grow with you this year.