Depression is a heavy topic and one that affects everyone differently. Over the last two years prior to starting therapy, I would’ve said that I simply was in a funk. I didn’t feel like myself, I didn’t really even know myself anymore; life was coming at me and I had no real idea how to handle it emotionally or mentally. I looked up and found myself in a new city eighteen hours and countless miles away from everything I’d ever known with the responsibility of a new child and a marriage that I felt was failing early and failing quickly. I remember thinking on numerous occasions that maybe I should seek therapy because something was clearly wrong and if I didn’t find a professional to talk to I wasn’t sure I’d be able to progress in my life happy and whole. So when January rolled around, I did some research and asked for references for a therapist here in Las Vegas, and officially started therapy. It took all of two sessions for my therapist to tell me that I was depressed. The diagnosis wasn’t at all surprising, but it was still a lot to mentally take in because having the diagnosis officially meant that I had to do something about it. I’m now about seven months into therapy and am ready to discuss my mental health with you. I hope this chat helps if you’re going through…
Usually, when depression is depicted on television it’s an image of someone being heavily secluded, with poor hygiene, poor dietary practices, possibly a lot of crying, a lack of motivation, and a feeling of hopelessness. I would say that the symptoms I’ve experienced have been a mix. According to Healthline, there are 9 forms of Depression; after reading their list I would describe the depression I’ve dealt with as situational and according to my therapist it’s minor.
Over the last year or two, I’ve struggled with a lack of motivation, low energy, binge eating, social withdrawal, reduced sleep, anxiety, moodiness, and insecurity. I could be missing something but that’s all I can come up with as write this blog. I wouldn’t say that I’ve felt hopeless necessarily because I do very much so believe in God and that God can change any and every situation for my good. I will, however, say I was depressed. Mentally and emotionally I was crushed, withdrawn, and confused. I was praying, reading my Bible, doing the spiritual work but emotionally and mentally there was a disconnect. I can wholeheartedly say that therapy is the best decision I have made this year. I still have a lot of work to do in order to get where God wants me but I am giving it everything that I have and I can already see and feel a difference since I’ve started addressing my mental health.
A Few Facts About Depression
According to Psychiatry.Org Depression symptoms can vary from mild to severe and can include:
Feeling sad or having a depressed mood
Loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed
Changes in appetite — weight loss or gain unrelated to dieting
Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much
Loss of energy or increased fatigue
Increase in purposeless physical activity (e.g., hand-wringing or pacing) or slowed movements and speech (actions observable by others)
Feeling worthless or guilty
Difficulty thinking, concentrating or making decisions
Thoughts of death or suicide
It is not known what exactly causes depression, there can be a number of factors from hormones to brain chemistry and other possible factors, Read more here
Depression symptoms can vary with age and gender. Read more here
If you’re reading this and are asking yourself if you should go to therapy, my answer would be yes, absolutely. I think therapy is beneficial for everyone whether dealing with depression or anything else in life. I think a lot of people especially Christians think that they don’t need to see a therapist because they can deal with their issues themselves or between themselves and God but, the truth is that God created therapists just like he created doctors and teachers and cooks. The Word also says that there is safety in a multitude of counsel Proverbs 11:14. There are some things that can’t and shouldn’t be handled alone so I highly recommend therapy to any and everyone.
I’ve never been afraid to talk about things (which is probably why I have this blog LOL), so for me, therapy was needed to help work through my past and present issues. Since starting therapy, I’ve had more good days than bad. I’ve been extremely diligent and aware of my mood and working through setbacks. Instead of waking up, not feeling well, and staying in that mental and emotional space for days or even weeks at a time, I take a minute to acknowledge where I am, get up and turn my worship on, and soldier through my day. I am extremely hopeful and expectant about what God is getting ready to do in my life but, I fully acknowledge that in order to see and my reap my harvest I had to and have to work through depression and overcome it. I am confident that this is not something that I will deal with forever and am determined not to.
Depression looks and feels different for everyone. For me, it’s sometimes losing myself through binge-watching television so that I don’t have to deal with what’s happening in my life, for some people it’s sitting in a dark room in silence for weeks at a time. No matter what it looks like for me, you, or anyone else it can be overcome. If you or anyone you know is having thoughts of suicide please call 1-800-273-8255. If you or anyone you know needs help finding treatment please call 1-800-662-4357.
As always thanks for reading, I’ll talk to you in the next blog.
“‘For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. ‘”